How can a divorced Filipina revert her Philippine passport to her maiden name?
Can the Filipina simply apply for a new Philippine passport in which her maiden name is her surname?...
Philippine Inheritance and foreign Wills
How do people inherit property in the Philippines? How is the property divided if there is no will? What is a last will and testament?...
How is the marriage property divided in legal separation?
The rule in legal separation is that the spouse at fault shall have no right to any share of the net profits earned by the couple’s common property during the marriage...
Involuntary resignations
How does the employer prove that there was no illegal dismissal? When is a resignation not a resignation? When is an action a valid exercise of management prerogatives?...
Is paying for medical expenses after an accident an admission of guilt?
An offer to pay or the payment of medical, hospital or other expenses occasioned by an injury is not admissible in evidence as proof of civil or criminal liability for the injury...