2018 FAQ Guide on the Recognition of Foreign Divorce

This post answers FAQs about the Recognition of Foreign Divorce
If you were married in the Philippines but divorced in the USA or married in the Philippines but divorced in Canada (or any other foreign country), you might be wondering if you can recognize your foreign divorce in the Philippines.
Yes, you can.
However, Recognition of Foreigner divorce is only possible if at least one of the spouses was a foreigner (not a Filipino, not a foreigner) at the time of the divorce.
In our family law practice, we have worked on Recognition of Foreign divorce cases all over the world. We’ve put together this FAQ to answer some common questions from both foreigners and Filipinos who are in the following situations :
- From foreigners who want to marry Filipinos again and are interested in Recognition of Foreign Divorce for immigration or remarriage purposes
- From Filipinos who’ve married Filipinos and want to know if Recognition of Foreign Divorce is applicable to them
- From Filipinos who have married foreigners and are looking to remarry or immigrate.
In addition, the post clarifies questions about ‘red ribboning’, reporting your foreign divorce to the embassy, and what happens to your CENOMAR after the process is finally completed.
Who is eligible?
FAQ 1: Can you divorce in another country and have it recognized in the Philippines if you are both Filipinos?
Answer: No. Such a divorce cannot be recognized in the Philippines. Recognition of foreign divorce is only available if at least one of the spouses was a non-Filipino at the time of the divorce.
A situation I come across frequently is 2 Filipinos married in Philippines, but divorced in USA. In this situation, The two Filipinos are still married in the Philippines. They would need to file for annulment if they would like to change their civil status.
FAQ 2: Can you get divorced in another country and have it recognized in the Philippines if you are two dual citizens?
Answer: No, they cannot. If a divorce is obtained by two dual citizens — if both of them have Filipino citizenship at the time of the divorce — then that divorce cannot be recognized. Since they both have Filipino citizenship, they remain subject to the prohibition on divorce between two Filipinos.
FAQ 3: If two Filipinos divorce abroad and then either of them becomes a foreign citizen afterwards, can that divorce be recognized in the Philippines?
Answer: No. The divorce cannot be recognized if they were both Filipino citizens at the time it was obtained.
So, for example, if you were married in Philippines but divorced in the UK as Filipinos but then one of you became a UK citizen afterward, your divorce would not be recognized in the Philippines since you were both Filipinos at the time of the divorce.
FAQ 4: Can I get divorced in another country and have it recognized in the Philippines, if I have become a foreign citizen and am no longer a Filipino at the time of the divorce?
Answer: Yes, it can. If one of the parties is a foreigner at the time of their divorce, then that foreign divorce can be recognized in the Philippines.
Let’s do an example. If you married in the Philippines but divorced in Australia after one of you become an Australian citizen, this divorce can be recognized. Again, what is important for this case is citizenship at the time of divorce.
Common Misconceptions
FAQ 5: If I simply report my foreign divorce to the Philippine embassy, is my divorce automatically recognized in the Philippines?
Answer: No, it requires a court process. Your divorce being reported to the embassy simply informs the embassy that you were divorced abroad. This does not change your civil status in the Philippine civil register which still reflects your marriage. You will still need to file for recognition of foreign divorce in court.
FAQ 6: If I authenticate and submit a divorce to the PSA or other government agency, is my divorce automatically recognized by the Philippines?
Answer: No. You won’t be able to recognize a divorce simply by submitting it – it has to go through court.
FAQ 7: I am a Filipino. Can I file for divorce from my foreign spouse?
Answer: Yes. You can file for a divorce in another country from your foreign spouse even if you are Filipino.
The only requirement is that one of you is a foreign citizen at the time of divorce. So long as this main requirement is complied with, this divorce can be recognized in the Philippines.
FAQ 8: Can I file a case for recognition of foreign divorce even if I live outside the Philippines?
Answer: Yes, a case for recognition of foreign divorce can be filed even if you live outside the country. However, you should ideally come to the Philippines at least once during the trial in order to testify in court.
So, if you were divorced in Japan but not yet in Philippines and are filing a case, you can start the case from abroad.
It is possible that videoconferencing can be done, but this is still dependent on the judge. The judge may agree or disagree. Additionally, the Philippine consulate where you live must offer videoconferencing services as judges must hear videoconferencing from a Philippine embassy or consulate.
FAQ 9: Will my civil status on my CENOMAR immediately revert to single after the issuance of the court decision granting recognition of foreign divorce?
Answer: You will still need to register the court decision recognizing your foreign divorce with the Philippine Statistics Authority (formerly National Statistics Office) before your marriage record will reflect the divorce. This results in an Advisory on Marriage which notes the divorce and allows you to remarry. This process can itself take months.
Immigration and Foreign Spouses
FAQ 10: If I am a Filipino who divorced abroad and now lives in the Philippines, are my foreign divorce papers enough to prove that I am single for immigration purposes (fiancée visa)?
Answer: It depends on the country you are immigrating to and their policy at that time. Foreign immigration laws are different per country and implementation policies change. It is best to consult with the country consulate first to determine what is needed and then to consult a lawyer here if Philippine recognition of foreign divorce is necessary.
FAQ 11: If I am a Filipino who divorced and now lives abroad, are my divorce papers enough to prove that I am single for immigration purposes (fiancée visa)?
Answer: Again, it depends on the countries involved. There are some instances where you will still need Philippine recognition of foreign divorce in order to immigrate overseas.
FAQ 12: Can a foreigner file the recognition of foreign divorce case in the Philippines?
Answer: Yes, the Supreme Court has affirmed a foreigner’s right to file such a case in the Philippines.
FAQ 13: Does a foreigner need to register his foreign divorce from his previous Filipino spouse and have it recognized here for him to remarry in the Philippines?
Answer: It depends. A foreigner would need to do this if he wants to get married inside the country and a Certificate of No Marriage (CENOMAR) is required of him despite being a foreigner. Issues concerning subsequent immigration abroad sometimes also require obtaining recognition of foreign divorce.
FAQ 14: What happens to Philippine property and custody after the recognition of foreign Divorce?
Answer: It depends. The Supreme Court has made pronouncements that while the fact of the foreign divorce can be recognized and the parties allowed to remarry in accordance with that divorce, Philippine courts still retain discretion with regard to provisions on custody, support and Philippine property.
- Tom Rodriguez speaks up on split from Carla Abellana, says they are divorced | Martin TF Wong - […] decree presumably in the United States, where he is currently staying. However, the ex-couple need to file for recognition…
Hi Attorney! I have acquired my British Citizenship and have not applied for dual citizenship when I got my divorce petition finalised here in the UK with my then husband who is a Filipino living in the Philippines. I am on the process of applying for a British passport thenI was asked by the British Passport Office to amend my name first on the Philippine passport I have submitted to as it is a requirement to submit all passports that one had. My Philippine passport expires in 2028 but the Philippine consulate told me that this passport is no longer valid. However, the British Passport Office wants me to align my name on that passport which shows my married name to my maiden name as this is the name I am applying a British Passport for. I hope you can help enlighten me as I believe I have 2 options.
1. To apply for a fornal Renunciation of Filipino Citizenship so UK will understand that my passport is no longer valid and grant me a British passport finally. But consulate advised me I won’t be able to reacquire Filipino citizenship if I expressly renounce my Filipino citizenship with a formal Renunciation procedure
2. Renew my Philippine passport reverting to my maiden name but this would require me to apply for dual citizenship. If I do this, will my previous divorce still be valid considering I will have a Filipino citizenship once more?
For the second option, you would need to have the foreign divorce recognized in the Philippines in order for the DFA to allow the change of surname in the passport.
I am a Filipino citizen and my partner is divorced to a foreigner, can we get married here in abroad even if he did not file for acknowledgment of foreign divorce in the Philippines? How will it affect me if I change my last name and use his in my passports and other documents when I go back in the Philippines?
The Supreme Court has ruled that a Filipino divorced abroad must first obtain Philippine recognition of the foreign divorce before validly remarrying. There would be legal issues with respect to a subsequent marriage if a court decision for the recognition of foreign divorce was not first secured in the Philippines.
I am a filipina and I have an Indian husband, we married here in the Philippines,Can my indian husband file a divorce in India? Will Philippines recognize it? Thank you
Yes, it can provided you are given proper notice of the divorce case and the divorce is valid in India.
I married in the Philippines 12 years ago and received my final divorce from my country last year (USA) What is the process (Time and Money) to have my Cenomar show I’m single? Thanks
We have written extensively on the process here : https://lawyerphilippines.org/recognition-of-foreign-divorce-in-the-philippines-process/
Hi. I am a Filipina who married an American here in the Philippines last 2014. He now lives in Thailand and has no plans of going back to the US. Can he file for our divorce in Thailand or anywhere in the world where divorce is legal, then forward the decree of divorce to me here in the Philippines for recognition of divorce if granted? Thank you.
Yes, that could be possible provided you have access to the certified court decision from Thailand. We can address this in clearer detail if given more information.
Hi I married a British National in the Philippines lived in the UK for 4 years but when we moved to Singapore our marriage has broken down. We divorced in 2021 in Singapore but then he got a new Filipina pregnant. Our divorce wasn’t recognized yet in the Philippines. Is it legal for them to be married abroad while we are still married?
As a Filipino, you would need to have the divorce recognized in the Philippines, but it may already be valid with respect to his own national law.
My husband (he is in Austria, still not a citizen there) is telling me to receive the divorce notice that they will send here in the Phils. Should I receive it eventhough I know that the divorce will not push through or will not be recognized here because he is still a Filipino?
We would need more information about the situation to answer this.
Hi, we married in the Philippines as both Filipinos. Now, I’m trying to apply for a japanese citizenship as I am a half japanese. My question is will I be able to divorce my Filipino husband after I obtain a Japanese citizen?
Yes, provided you are a non-Filipino at the time of the divorce.
Hi. We married in the Philippines as Filipinos, we’re both now in Japan. I’m planning to acquire a japanese citizenship before I divorce my husband. By the time I become a Japanese citizen will our divorce be recognized in the Philippines?
If you are solely a Japanese citizen at the time of the divorce (not a dual citizen), then that divorce can be recognized in the Philippines through the court process described in this article.
can i used my divorce paper to file a fiancée visa while i am here in Philippines?
We can only address Philippine law and cannot speak for the immigration requirements to other countries.
My wife is Filipino citizen and I acquried dual-citizen under RA 9225 but I am not a U.S. citizen. We eloped and were legally married in the U.S. but both of us do not live in the U.S. and we were not able to file our marriage in the Philippines. What is our status under Philippine laws? Where do I file for divorce? Thank you.
If you are both Filipino citizens, then such a divorce cannot be recognized in the Philippines even if it is valid abroad.
I’m a foreigner who was married to a foreigner. I was divorced in the country where I was previously married do I need the Philippines to recognize my foreign divorce before I marry my filipina fiance? Divorce certificate was already given in my country and authenticated by my own country.
No, you do not.
What if I got married and my Philippine passport is expired that time and I am now a Canadian citizen and I did not apply a dual citizenship, does Philippines honor my divorced paper?
This depends on whether one of the spouses was a non-Filipino at the time of the divorce.
Hi, I?m a dual citizen (korean/filipino) divorced to a korean.. is it really hard to recognize my divorce in the Philippines? I want to marry my husband (filipino) but when i asked the PSA they don?t know how, they referred me to a lawyer but before they have seen my documents of my divorce, they already quoted me an amount, is that really the process?
The process is as described here: https://lawyerphilippines.org/recognition-of-foreign-divorce-in-the-philippines-process/
Can a foreigner and a Filipino who got married in the Philippines get a divorced abroad? And could the divorce could get a judicial recognition in the Philippines so that the Filipino can marry again in the Philippines?
Yes, this is what the article describes.
my wife is a dual citizen (Filipino and Australian) and she filed a divorce abroad.
I am a filipino citizen and is currently in a relationship now.
Me and my gf plan to get married and have a family soon.
I have apostilled divorce documents with me sent by my ex-wife.
Can this be recognized here in the Philippines?
I have not seen her for more than 10 years.
please enlighten me.
thank you.
The divorce cannot be recognized in the Philippines if both of you had Filipino citizenship at the time of the divorce. An annulment may be the best option.
Hi. We married in the Philippines as Filipinos, moved to the US, acquired US citizenships (and in the process relinquished Filipino citizenships), and then eventually divorced in the US. I then moved back to the Philippines and re-acquired Filipino citizenship. Therefore, I am now a dual Filipino-American citizen. My ex-wife remained in the US and is a US citizen (not a Filipino citizen). Is our divorce recognized in the Philippines? Can I automatically consider myself as legally single and indicate such status in legal documents? Or do I still have to file this information with the Phil Statistics Office? Thanks much.
Especially considering your Filipino citizenship, it would be best that you obtain a Philippine court’s recognition of your US divorce.
hi, I am married abroad with my foreigner husband and our marriage is registered in Philippines, can we divorce and be recognize here in Philippines even i am already leaving in the uk? do we need to do a trial?
Yes, the case can be filed while you are abroad. It does require a trial in court.
I am Filipino citizen married and my ex wife is in the philippines and im working here now in singapore,can i file annulment or divorce here in singapore?
See this article for additional answers: https://lawyerphilippines.org/how-to-file-for-annulment-in-the-philippines-while-abroad/
How long does it take to get the divorce recognition from filing?
This depends on the court and the circumstances, but generally about a year to a year and a half.
Hi, I immigrated to the US as a single Filipino citizen and eventually got married to a US Citizen (Former Filipina) but I?ve never reported the marriage to the Phil Embassy and unfortunately the marriage didn?t work that long and we ended up getting divorced. Furthermore, I became a US citizen and want to reacquire my Filipino citizenship under Dual citizenship act. My question is, do I really have to file for a judicial divorce recognition in the Philippines even though there?s no recorded marriage in PSA since I?ve never reported it and proceed with my dual citizenship and passport application process?
This partly depends on the reasons you may have for reporting the divorce, as well as the timeline of when you divorced in relation to when you became a US citizen.
Hi, my ex wife filed a dissolution of marriage in New Zealand and the marriage got dissolved last 2019. And now she married in NZ, does the divorce be recognized in the Philippines?
It cannot be recognized in the Philippines if both of you were Filipino citizens when the divorce took place.
I would like to inquire regarding Divorce recognition in Philippines, I was 17 years separated from my Filipino ex-husband and I filed a divorce here in UAE and grant my divorced last year, I would like to know how to recognize my divorce in Philippines and what will be the procedure and requirements to legally recognize my divorce.
Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you very much for your kind assistance in advance.
The divorce can be recognized if one of your was not a Filipino citizen when the divorce was granted.
Have a situation here, Filipino got married to a Jap guy 12 years ago and during the pregnancy, returned to Philippines and never heard back from Japan husband. how to apply divorce and resolve this while living in Philippines. Any hint would be highly appreciated.
For the divorce itself, she should consult with a Japanese lawyer who can discuss the procedure which may apply to her situation. If she can validly obtain a divorce in Japan, then that divorce can be recognized in the Philippines.
Hi been married for 9 years in the philippines and now recently seperated,if I’m planning to remarry again with an US Citizen can I file a divorce in the US for my first marriage
If you and your husband are both Filipino citizens at the time of the divorce, then that divorce cannot be recognized in the Philippines.
With respect to US law or US immigration law, we cannot speak for those and suggest you speak with counsel there.
Hi just wanted to ask if a Filipina and a foreigner got married in the Philippines and reported it abroad, and got divorced abroad.
Filipina is abroad and foreigner plans to migrate to Philippines.
Foreigner plans to purchase condominiums in the Philippines.
they haven’t yet filed for the foreign divorce recognition in philippines but are already divorced abroad.Are his purchases considered his(foreigners) or is it conjugal?
In the documents such as deed of sale, can he indicate there that he is single or divorced? Or is he required yet to put married ?
Should the courts decision not come out later and and he decides to sell the property, is the filipinas consent required?
Hope you can answer this for me .thanks.
He should already be considered divorce in view of his own national law, but it would be best to have the divorce recognized in the Philippines to avoid issues such as these.
Got married here in the Philippines to a German national in 1999. We are now estranged since 2008 and he never came back to the Philippines. We have recently established contact about filing for a divorce in Germany but he claims that our marriage was never registered in Germany. Can he still file for the divorce even if there is no record of our marriage in Germany?
We cannot speak for the internal processes of German law except to say that a such divorce validly obtained in Germany can be recognized in the Philippines.
My parents got married in the Philippines in ’96. Years after he immigrated to the US and acquired citizenship, he divorced my mom and got remarried to another Filipino in the US (apparently, she’s a “TNT” at that time). My dad holds dual citizenship. What are the consequences of the situation for my dad?
If he divorced his first wife while he was a non-Filipino then that divorce can be recognized as valid in the Philippines.
Hi, I want to US fiancé visa my Girlfriend but she is married right now. They are both Filipino Citizen married in the Philippines but both of them lives in Qatar right now due to work. She has a plan on getting student visa on Canada to study and also file a divorce there. If the student visa didn’t get through though she will probably just file on Qatar. Can their foreign divorce papers be used or recognized by the USCIS for fiancé visa immigration purposes? Do we still need an additional steps on PH after they filed their foreign divorce?
A foreign divorce between two Filipinos cannot be recognized in the Philippines.
We cannot speak for US immigration laws.
I am a Filipina married to a Greek national. We got married here in the Philippines, then I moved to Greece afterwards where we also registered our marriage. Now I want to file for annulment. If we get divorced in Greece will that make me eligible for the Recognition of Foreign Divorce?
Yes, based on the facts given. The divorce in Greece can be recognized in the Philippines.
My ex husband is a US permanent resident. Can he file a divorce in the US and will it be recognize here in the philippines? Thank you
Such a divorce would not be recognized in the Philippines if both of you are Filipinos at the time of the divorce.
I moved to Australia when I was young with my parents and in turn became an Australian citizen. I married an Australian in Australia 2011 and then we have moved to the Philippines and I have reacquired my Philippine Citizenship (dual citizen). We got divorced in 2020. If I wish to remarry in the Philippines do I need to apply for Recognition of our foreign divorce?
Yes, considering that you are a Filipino citizen and particularly as your marriage is likely reported to the Philippine civil registry. You cannot be issued a marriage license unless you go through this process.
We (Filipino and Filipino) married in the Philippines, and then I went to Canada. Here are the timeline:
Married – 2009
Canadian Permanent Residency – 2022
May acquire Canadian citizenship on 2025
Q: Can I file for divorce while still being Filipino, but later on will be Canadian citizen?
The divorce must be granted in Canada when at least one of you is no longer a Filipino citizen. Otherwise, it cannot be recognized in the Philippines.
Hi, can a foreign citizen who is married to a filipino in the Philippines can file an annulment? or file a divorce abroad (even if he is not registered as married abroad) and enforce it in Philippines?
Recognition of the foreign divorce may be done through this process: https://lawyerphilippines.org/2017/04/11/recognition-of-foreign-divorce-in-the-philippines-process/
Annulment can be filed from abroad through this process: https://lawyerphilippines.org/how-to-file-for-annulment-in-the-philippines-while-abroad/
Migrated from the Phils. to Australia. Ex-husband and I became naturalized Australian citizens in 2014. Separated and divorced in 2016. I returned to the Phils. in 2017 and reacquired Phil. citizenship 2017.
Question: Given no other steps taken, status purely as described above:
a. If I purchase a new property here in the Philippines at this point, is there any risk my ex-husband has rights to the property?
b. On this newly acquired property, am I free to sell it and sign the Deed of Sales on my own?
I am quite certain the above are major FAQs that a lot would greatly appreciate answered.
Thank you,
a. He should not, but if he were to make a claim you would have to prove the fact and validity of the divorce.
b. This may depend on the requirements of the other party to the contract.
There is no answer that can cover all possible situations, which is why others in similar situations do choose to obtain judicial recognition of the foreign divorce.
I am a Hong Kong resident and have marry my Filipino wife in Hong Kong. I register my marriage via DFA. She lives in Philippines and I live on Hong Kong now. I am filing a divorce now In Hong Kong and once completed I want fo have it recognised in Philippines.what is thee process.cost and how long will it take.
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Hi, I am married to a British citizen here in the Philippines. We never lived together since getting married. He is living permanently in the UK. Can I file as a filipino citizen a divorce in the UK and have it recognized in the Philippines?
Yes, you can.
What happens to the children in a marriage between a Filipino married to a foreign national if we go ahead with divorce outside of the country? What are the general rules on this? What about division of properties?
The foreign divorce judgment typically addresses this, but their enforcement can depend on which country the children and the properties are located.
hi i am now fil-am citizen and was married to american citizen.he filled the divorce here in los angeles california.and divorse was final.what do i need to do so i can marry my filipino fiance in the philippines?
The judicial recognition of foreign divorce process outlined here will have to be completed for you to remarry in the Philippines.
I am a Filipina married(only has Filipino citizenship) to a Finnish citizen (male), our marriage was done in the Philippines and recognized here in Finland.
We will be divorcing this year in Finland.
How can we annul our marriage in the Philippines?
The recognition of foreign divorce process described here and outlined in our other articles will apply.
We will be happy to help you with the case if you wish.
I see that as a foreigner I can file while living outside the Philippines. Have you seen any cases in which a foreign petitioner’s physical presence in the Philipines was never required? If not, after filing the petition what is the approximate timeframe in which it would be “ideal” for them to visit the Philippines? Thank you.
We’ve had cases where the petitioner did not personally appear in court. This is dependent on the sufficiency of the authenticated documents and the particular facts of the case.
There seems no reason for a case to affect travel to the Philippines either way.
Hello! my foreigner friend married a filipino in uk before and such marriage was registered in ph. my foreigner friend divorced her filipino husband in uk. now my foreigner friend wants to marry his long time boyfriend–another filipino. can they get married in uk embassy in manila even though the recognition of foreign divorce is still on the process in ph court? they want to get married in philippine law eventually also.
We cannot speak for the requirements of the UK embassy as these are different from those under Philippine law.
Hi. I’m Filipino. I married a Filipina in 2010. We separated soon after. I am working in Canada on a work visa. Can I divorce my wife in Canada? If so will that allow her to remarry outside PI?
We cannot speak for foreign law, but such a divorce and remarriage would be neither valid nor recognizable under Philippine law.
Hi, I have a bf dual citizen (Fil-am) and he is planning to divorce his wife(filipina). His wife is in the philippines and my bf is in the US now. I just want to ask because we’re planning to get married after his divorce. Fyi I am a filipina also. Is the divorce will be recognize in the philippines? And will we allow to get married in the philippines? My bf got married in the philippines.
Since he has Filipino citizenship, the divorce cannot be recognized. At least one of the spouses needs to have been a non-Filipino at the time of the divorce in order for it to be recognizable.
If he used the foreign citizenship for applying the divorce will it will be recognize in the Philippines? And if it will grant the divorce can he acquire for k1 petition for me immediately?
The foreign divorce can be recognized in the Philippines if one of the spouses was a non-Filipino at the time of the divorce.
We cannot speak for US immigration laws or policies.
Hi. How much are the cost to recognise a foreign divorce in the Philippines and the processing times? Thanks
It takes about a year to a year and a half under normal circumstances. This can depend on which city or province the case must be filed in as well as the availability of certain documents from the foreign country.
Hi attorney I was born a Pilipino citizen but now hold Australian citizenship and have not applied for dual citizen of the Philippines. After I secure my divorce in Australia what documents do I need to show the regional court that I am an Australian citizen and not Pilipino any more? Do I need to have my Australian citizenship certificate and any other documentation to prove I am not Pilipino any more? such as renouncing my Pilipino citizenship at the embassy here? Thank you in advance! I have used a different email hopefully wont bounce. Thanks again so much!
You are presumed to have lost your Filipino citizenship when you acquired Australian citizenship. You will not be a Filipino again until you apply for dual citizenship and reacquire Philippine citizenship.
Hi, We were both Filipino citizens when we got married in Philippines last 2000. We both became Australian citizens after 3 years and our Philippine marriage was recognised here in Australia. However, we are getting divorced soon in Aus. Can that be applied for Recognition of Foreign Divorce so I can marry again in Philippines? Do you know a good attorney who can help me with this please? Thank you
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When the divorce bill in the Philippines is passed into a law, will a foreign decree divorce then be recognized?
It can be recognized now if at least one of the spouses was a non-Filipino at the time of the divorce.
If they were both Filipino when they divorced abroad, that could presumably be recognized once the divorce bill is passed into law.
The process would probably remain the same unless a law or provision specifically addressing foreign divorces is also passed.
Hi, We were both Filipino citizens when we got married in Philippines last 2000. After 3 years of marriage, we became Australian citizens and our Philippine marriage was recognized here in Australia. However, we are getting divorced soon in Australia. Can that be applied for Recognition of Foreign Divorce so I can marry again in Philippines? Do you know a good attorney who can help me with this please? Thank you.
Yes, provided at least one of the spouses was a non-Filipino at the time of the divorce.
I am a Canadian citizen and have already filed my divorce here in Canada. How much do I have to pay for Recognition of Foreign Divorce and how long does that take to process?
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I was born a Pilipino citizen but now hold Australian citizenship and have not applied for dual citizen of the Philippines. After I secure my divorce in Australia what documents do I need to show the regional court that I am an Australian citizen and not Pilipino any more? Do I need to have my Australian citizenship certificate and any other documentation to prove I am not Pilipino any more? such as renouncing my Pilipino citizenship at the embassy here? Thank you in advance!
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Hi Atty Francesco I haven’t been able to find your email, can you please resend it, Thank you kindly.
I sent twice and it has bounced twice.
Scenario: American husband, Filipina wife with dual citizenship (PI/US) at the time of divorce. The Filipina with dual citizenship initiated the divorce. Both reside in the US. Can their divorce be recognized in the Philippines?
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hi i am a filipino and my fiance is a canadian citizen who is previously married in the phil and is now divorced,, how long does recognition of divorce take? ty
Will send an email.
I am a Filipino and my ex-husband is a Dutch national from the Netherlands. We were married in the Philippines in 2011 but we are already officially divorced from the government here in the Netherlands last May 2019. How can i register my divorce papers while it has been stated here, A Foreign Divorce can be registered in the Philippines. How much would it cost in registering my divorce papers in the Philippines? What do i need to do? I am planning to marry here next year in the Netherlands with my new fiancee. Please help me.
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I am a filipina living in sweden. Got divorced from my Swedish husband and got married again to another Swedish man, but not annulled in the philippines. How can I register my second marriage under philippine law?
Best Regards,
Will send an email.
Hi,I am an aus-Fil citizen. I have been divorced in australia for 5 years now. I was married here in Phils in 2003 to a Filipina who is now Aus-Fil in aus. We were both Aus by the time of the divorce. I declared Fil as a citizen when I get married here. I am solely holding an Aus passport. I am planning to get married by next year here in phils. Can I file for a red ribbon only or should I file for a petition of foreign divorce decree in order to get married?
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How to file recongnition of foreign divorce? Should i need a lawyer? How much is the cost of it?
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Married in Philippines. with kids. My husband left us for more than 4 years now. With no communication at all. Found a man abroad and wanting to remarry. Can i file for a divorce abroad? And will it be valid in the Philippines? Please advise. Thank you
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How much does it cost for judicial recognition?
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Hello, I would like to ask I am a filipino i presently here in Europe as a Tourist under Schengen Visa was married to a filipino before in our country Phils.but got separated last 2013 and now me and my partner wants to get married here in Europe . Can I file a divorce here Europe ? Or Annullment in Phils.but no appearance becoz my partner wont let me go back to Phils.becoz when I was trying to trave to Dubai i was being Offloaded 2x and 3x going here in Europe til I s
ucceed for 5 times trying to fly and meet my partner since we’ve been locked up becoz of Covid.we are not giving any chance to meet in Dubai unti I got my Schengen Visa. Now I am 5mos.here inEurope. Can I file Annullment in our country Phils.without me apperreared on trial? Thank you and more power!
A case for annulment or declaration of nullity of marriage usually has to be filed in the city or province where one of the spouses has lived for the last 6 months.
This can be done from abroad under certain conditions. We have an article on this here: https://lawyerphilippines.org/how-to-file-for-annulment-in-the-philippines-while-abroad/
Hi – I am Canadian Citizen – was married in Philippines and we live in Canada until my divorced was finalized 2 yrs ago in Canada.
I would like to marry my Filipino bf in Philippines hopefully soon so we can build our life together. Am I eligible to apply for Recognition of Foreign Divorce in Philippines and how much does it cost and how long will it take for the whole thing to complete?
Appreciate the assistance – Thanks
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How much is the cost of filling divorce recognition in the Philippines ?and how long it takes? Also If I have met another Filipino and remarry in Australia does that have any legal implications if we travel back to the Philippines in respect to the previous marriage? Thanks
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How much does it cost for a foreign divorce be recognized in the philippines?
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How much and how long? I am divorced with my Japanese ex husband.
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Hi my friend is Canadian citizen previously married to a filipina but later divorced in his home country. He is now legally divorced but want to remarry a filipina, is his divorced recognised in the Philippines? Can he remarry in the Philippines? What requirements does he need to do that? Thanks for your reply.
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Hello! I am a Filipino citizen and now in Europe and planning to get divorce with my Filipino ex husband as we have been separated for more than 10yrs now and he has a new family already. Can I get married here once my divorce granted or my ex husband can file a case against me? Please I need suggestion/legal advice. Thank you so much.
As you are both Filipino citizens, any divorce you get is void.
You must go through Annulment.
Do I need my divorce to be recognized in the Philippines if I will remarry again? I am planning to get remarried in the Bahamas (where they are only requiring the final divorce papers and not cenomar) with my boyfriend who is a UK national then we will register in the UK and file for family visa.
We cannot speak for the requirements of UK immigration law.
I was married to an american citizen here in Ph and now divorced but when I retrieved our marriage certificate the marriage from his first marriage in the Ph was the one being given to me. I am confused which one to file a case of bigamy or recognition of foreign divorce. Please advise the procedure, documents and cost of both. Thank you and God bless you.
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May I know if I can already file for petition of foreign divorce if my ex wife was already married in Australia to an australian citizen and she was also able to obtain a divorced there but she is in the process of getting her citizenship yet in australia
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How much will it cost me to have my divorce recognized here? How long will it take? thank you
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Hi, Im Dutch National, married in the Philippines, divorced in The Netherlands. Now wanting to marry my fiancee in the Philippines. I have already my Cenomar from the Dutch embassy stating I am divorced from my previous wife and allowing me to remarry here in the Philippines. Is this Valid?
FAQ 13:
Does a foreigner need to register his foreign divorce from his previous Filipino spouse and have it recognized here for him to remarry in the Philippines?
Answer: It depends. A foreigner would need to do this if he wants to get married inside the country and a Certificate of No Marriage (CENOMAR) is required of him despite being a foreigner. Issues concerning subsequent immigration abroad sometimes also require obtaining recognition of foreign divorce.
FAQ 14:
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I am Filipino citizen married to Foreign nationality.I am the one who filed for divorce. Can I file for recognition of foreign divorce in the Philippines even if I am the one initiated the divorce? How much would it cost? Where can I contact a lawyer to do it?
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How much is the cost of filling divorce recognition in the Philippines ?and how long it takes?Thank you very much
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Hello, i recently have been divorced from my austrian husband. the marriage and divorce have been taken place here in austria. i would now need help in filing for recognition of foreign divorce at the court in the philippines. can you please help me with information on required documents/translation/authentication. can the court process in the philippines take place without my appearance? thank you!
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‘Hello po Kung Kung Void ab initial ang second marriage due to certain requisites not submitted kailangan pa po bang Magfile Ng Annulment? Hindi ba derecho SA Manila Civil Registry na Null and Void at sa PSA? Kamaganak Ng fake husband at priest kaya they managed to trick me kahit legal documents and MDA documento ko whilst he did not disclosed na galing pala SA Bilibid SA pag patay SA kamaganak at Psychologically incapacitated to enter a marriage but all intent to corrupt me. Marami akong nakatago na katibayan walang ginawa kundi mag corrupt, ginamit ang pagkagraduate in criminology. Wala bang katarungan SA akin? Ayaw Kong ifile SA courte yong previous foreign divorce ko in case na after doing that magiging Valid yong Fraud Corrupt na marriage ko SA taga Pangasinan.
We have answered this question in this article:
How long to it will be done the recognition of foreign divorce ?
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Hi. I am an Australian citizen. I married a filipino in the Philippines. We recently were granted a divorce in Australia. Can I be the one to file for recognition of our divorce in the Philippines? If so what is required for this? What is the approximate cost? Also If I have met another Filipino and remarry in Australia does that have any legal implications if we travel back to the Philippines in respect to the previous marriage?
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Please send me details as to how, how much and how long the whole process will take.
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I Got Married in philippines from a US citizen and divorced abroad . Now, no relationship yet but just in case I want to get a tourist visa in the US. Is it easy for me to get a tourist visa or it’s hard ?
Not sure how this would affect things one way or another, but we cannot speak for US visa or immigration policies.
Hi!What are the procedure in filing the recognition of foreign divorce and how much does it cost?
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Hi! What are my other options to have my Divorce be recognized in Philippines if upon obtaining my Divorce I was still a Filipino Citizen? I can’t re-file for a divorce anymore since it has been granted already way back 2009? After 4 years I got my divorce I got married with a foreigner. We’re planning to go home but I’m worried my ex husband can file a bigamy against me. What should I do in order my divorce recognized in the Philippines?
If you and your ex-husband were both Filipinos at the time of the divorce, you must go through Annulment.
One of the reasons to go through annulment, is that an ex-husbands debt may be considered part of the community property and property will continue to be co-owned. It is best really to end the marriage formally.
Do we need to file petition to recognized divorce in the court here in the phils if I am selling my property here in the phils? Me and my ex husband already migrated in UK and planning to sell the property here and was able to got the consent of my ex husband thru court abroad that the property here in the phils he will transfer his rights to me and will not claim any rights to the property? Both of us already migrated in Uk and planning to sell my property (title under my single name)? Is a signed consent document enough to proceed and process the selling of property? Thanks
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I need to divorce my German husband we were married in the Philippines. We live in Germany now will a recognition of foreign divorce work?
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Hi I am a Canadian citizen and married a filipino and married in the Philippines. Now I am divorced and I need a Cenomar for my property that I am buying. How can I obtain a certificate of recognition?
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Hi, my sister was a dual citizen (Filipino) when they got divorce with his ex husband (filipino) in UK. My sister bought property in Phils prior to their marriage in the Phils (Single name in title). Now that they were divorce, my sister plan to sell her property in the phils and got buyer, but upon processing, the lender of the buyer requesting cert of marriage with annotation of nullity of marriage in PSA. My sister and ex husband already had consent order with the court in UK stating that the property here in the phils she will have all the rights for the property, if my sister will fully pay the property and she did. Is there any way or options we can do to fast track processing the annotation of COM in PSA? They were married in Phils 2003 and divorced in UK yr 2007. Hoping for your assistance and advice. Thank you
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Hi. I got divorced with my indian husband 3 yrs ago in dubai. It was the jndian marriage that got divorced and phil marriage is not yet annulled. I bought a property in phils when we were married and it became conjugal though he didnt give a single penny. How can i remove his name from the prop title. Can i just donate it to my 6 yr old daughter using Deed of Donation without his presence and consent? If i buy a prop again, will that be conjugal still considering that weve been divorce for 3 yrs now. How can i remove his rights. Will my divorce be enough and valid here since he is a foreigner. Pls help. Thanks
There are discrete questions in this. We sent you an email.
I am now in USA, can I file a recognition of foreign divorce decree here? How much will it cost and how long? I also got married here, can my wife register (in Philippine consulate) that she is married even the recognition of foreign divorce decree is not yet finalize? thank you
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Hello. How much does it cost to file a recognitin of foreign divorce and how long does it take?
Hope to hear from you.
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Hi! What are my other options to have my Divorce be recognized in Philippines if upon obtaining my Divorce I was still a Filipino Citizen? I can’t re-file for a divorce anymore since it has been granted already. I just recently got my Citizenship and would like that divorce to be recognized there too. Thanks a lot?
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I am Canadian Citizen and got married in the Philippines last 2 years ago. We dont have child. May I know how long does it take to recognize divorce/annulment because I want to marry again in the Philippines.
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How much does it cost and how long?
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Hi i am a filipina who got marrief in the Philippines to a british. I divorced him in the uk and remarried here. I wanted to go home and re apply to come here on a spouse visa. Do i need to have my divorce recognised before i can apply for a spouse visa?
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Am a foreigner married in the Philippines.
Someone told me, I cannot seek divorce in my country, that I can only seek divorce in the Philippines since I did the marriage in the Philippines.
But other friend told me I can just file for divorce in my own country even if I did the marriage here in the Philippines with a filipina.
And once it is done in my country I can have it recognized in the Philippines. Kindly help me understand better. Thanks a lot
Yes, you can obtain a valid divorce in your country which can be recognized in the Philippines.
How much does it cost to file a divorce recognition in Philippines? And how long does it take? Thank you!
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Hi i am a uk citizen and i got married in phil.. i filled my divorced here in uk. I am planning to get married in philippines again with my fiancee. Do i need to get recognize my divorce in philippines so i can marry again in philippines, how long does it takes to get recognise my divorce and how much.? Thank u
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Hi. I’m a Canadian citizen and my ex-wife Is also one. We were married in the Philippines. I was granted a divorce last year and I want to file for recognition of divorce in the Philippines. How much will it cost me and how long is the process.
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How much does it cost to file a divorce recognition in Philippines? And how long does it take? Thank you!
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I was married to a Canadian Citizen here in the Philippines.Later, we divorced. I want to have the Divorce Decree recognized by the court. Part of the requirements are Proof of Citizenship and a copy of the official publication of the divorce law (or portions of it indicating the right to obtain divorce and remarry after the divorce is granted.Since my former husband does not cooperate to send a copy of his proof of citizenship nor a copy of his birth certificate, neither does he signs our request for a copy of said documents, and only he or his mother can request copy of his birth certificate, will the court accept certified true copy of the documents he submitted when we applied for our marriage licence in the Office of the City Civil Registrar of Quezon City i.e, his passport and Statutory Declaration from the Embassy of Canada, Philippines re: No impediment to marry in lieu of his birth certificate or proof of citizenship? Likewise, may I know where I can get a copy of the official publication of the divorce law or portions of it indicating the right to obtain divorce and remarrt after the divorce is granted.
The divorce order of the Canadian court would be the most specific document that would be necessary. That should be authenticated by the Philippine embassy.
The law office already has the Canadian divorce law.
Hi i am filipina, i am divorced in singapore by my ex foreign spouse. My us citizen fiancé applied for k1 fiance visa, The uscis approved it and now waiting for NVC and embassy interview. Do i need a recognition of foreign divorce? thank u so much
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I was divorced in the US by my Resident Filipino ex husband in 2011 and I got married to a British man in the same year in the UK. In 2016 I got my British citizenship and in 2020 I got back my Filipino citizenship, so I am now a Filupino dual citizen. I learned from my readings that my foreign divorce cannot be recognized in the Philippines, so what do I do? My British husband and I want to stay and live in the Philippines for long. Please advise me on this. Thank you.
You may consider annulment or declaration of nullity of marriage in the Philippines as this appears to be the sole avenue under the circumstances.
Hi. How much does it cost to file a divorce recognition in Philippines? And how long does it take? Thank you!
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Hi, I have been here in Canada for 6 yrs. I am married in the PH but we have separated for 10 yrs now. I acquire my divorce here while I am a reisdent. Now I am planning to apply for citizenship can that divorce be recognize in the PH after i become a citizen here? I already have a family of my own and we can’t get marrird because I am still legaly married in the PH what shpuld I do? Thank you.
We cannot speak for Canadian law, but recognition in the Philippines is only possible when at least one of the spouses is a non-Filipino at the time of the divorce.
Hi! I already have my divorce papers from South Korea. What are the procedure in filing the recognition of foreign divorce and how much does it cost?
Thank you.
My husband already sent me a divorce paper from Netherlands. And the Netherlands Embassy sent me a copy as well. I want to file it so I can move on and remarry. What are the procedures? How much and how long it will take? Thank you.
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Hi. I married in france and just got divorced in france. I reported my marriage to philippine embassy here and nos its reflected in psa records. What should i do now? Do i need a recognition of foreign divorce? How long is the process and how. Much?
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Hi I am a Filipina working abroad and getting a new citizenship soon. I am still married in the Philippines and want to divorce. If my new country will not like to grant a divorce of my marriage, can I still obtain a divorce in another country? Would that divorce from a third country be recognized in the Philippines? Or must the divorce be from the country of my new citizenship?
Hi Janet:
It is quite likely that your new country will allow you to divorce. The specifics of the divorce naturally depend on the country’s laws.
It is best to divorce in the country of your new citizenship as there are less documents to gather.
If you divorce after you obtain new citizenship, you can then have it recognized in the Philippines.
This will change your Philippine civil status back to single and avoid property issues down the road.
Hi there! What are the requirements for recognition of divorce? Is it possible to apply while in the US? How long does it take and how much? Thank you!
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What are the requirements for recognition of divorce? How much will it cost? How long will it take?
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Im already divorce in Canada,and im planning to remarry again in the Phils.,
is it possible to remarry again even in civil wedding while my declaration of recognition of foreign divorce is on process?
You will be unable to obtain a marriage license in the Philippines because of the CENOMAR requirement.
In order to remarry here, you will first need to finish the recognition of foreign divorce case and have the court decision granting recognition registered at the PSA.
I have been reading about the process on filling for a recognition of divorce ,but its hard to find experienced lawyer to handle this case,can you help me? And how much it cost?
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Hi my girlfriend is a Filipino working in singapore who’s still married to her Phillipines husband. Can she obtain a divorce in singapore and than remarry in singapore to Singapore citizen? Can the government put her to prison if she returns to the Philippines?
Under Philippine law, the divorce she obtains in Singapore would be invalid.
She must first annul her previous marriage in the Philippines to remarry.
What are the requirements in filling for a recognition of divorce? And how much it cost?
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Hi can i ask questions please how long does it takes and how much for filling a recognition of foreign divorce in the Philippines thankyou
We need some of the facts of your case to say. Sent you an email.
Hi..I am Malaysian but currently I already divorced with my ex Filipina wife in my country..How much is the cost of filling divorce recognition in Philippines? And how long it takes?what should I need to file?can I remarry again in Philippines?thank u so much..
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Got Married in philippines with a korean husband and divorced in south korea in 2011. Now i have an American fiancé and been together for 4yrs now, will the us embassy accept my divorce decree if i apply for fiancee visa or should i file for recognition of divorce here in the Philippines first? How much and how long would be the process. Thank you.
It has been our experience that recognition of foreign divorce has to be issued by a Philippine court as you would need to present proof of your status from the PSA.
How much will it cost to have my divorced recognized in the philippines?
and do i really have to be there in person to show my face in court?
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how much does it cost to file a recognition of foreign divorce in the Philippines and how long does it take? thank you
This requires some knowledge of the facts of your particular case. Will send you an email.
my australian fiance wants to file a recognition of foreign divorce here in philippines from his previous filipino ex-wife.
how much does it cost to file recognition of foreign divorce in philippines and how long it takes?
This depends on the specific facts of the particular case, such as the venue where the recognition case should be filed and the availability of documents.
We can address your specific situation if you fill out the form on https://lawyerphilippines.org
“” hi, i am a filipino citizen living in Israel, i am married in the philippines to a filipino cituzen too. We’ve been apart since 2016. May i ask which country can i file a divorce except philippines?
No divorce obtained under the circumstances would be recognizable here. One of you has to be a non-Filipino for the divorce to be recognizable in the Philippines.
i am divorced from my japanese husband.i do now live here in the philippines and i want to remarry…i want to file for a recognition.. what is the process and how much will it cost?
I will send you an email.
Hi. I am a Filipino married to a US citizen. We got married here butbher has not registered our marriage in the US and is single there. Can I file for divorce in the US even if I live in the Philippines and even if he didt not register our marriage there? Or it it only the foreigner who can file for divorce? Also how much would it cost to have our divorce revognized in the phils?
Yes. The US does not maintain a marriage registry in the same way that the Philippines does so you do not need to have registered the marriage in order to obtain the divorce.
A foreigner could file for divorce at the US state where the other spouse resides provided that state’s requirements are complied with. You’d have to check what those are in your case.
Send us an email at admin@lawyerphilippines.org if you need assistance or have other questions.
Hello. I just want to ask regarding recognition of foreign divorce. I was married in the Philippines 2 years ago with a Filipino. And now i am living in Norway permanently and planning to apply for a Norwegian citizenship. My question is i want to divorced my husband in Philippines when i get my norwegian citizenship. My marriage with my husbdand is not registered here in Norway. So i just want to know if do i need to register my marraige here and apply for divorce afterwards?
We cannot speak for Norwegian requirements.
If you want the divorce recognized in the Philippines then you should wait until you are a non-Filipino before filing for divorce.
I have been separated with my Filipino ex-husband for nearly 10yrs. I am now based in Europe and have a family of my own. Me and my partner can’t get married because I am technically married in PH law. I have heard about Judicial Recognition of Divorce from friends who has done it in Canada, I have no idea how this works here.
I don’t have any plans of going back to PH as my family (including parents and siblings) are all here in Europe.
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Interested of knowing the cost for a divorce to be recognized here in the philippines, thanks.
This requires some knowledge of the facts of your particular case. Will send you an email.
I am married and got divorced in Norway. My ex husband is a natural born norwegian and I was a flipina when i got married but i registered our marriage in Philippine embassy. I got my Norwegian citizenship at the present. What will happen to my divorced paper? Am i allowed to marry in the Philippines since I am now a norwegian?
Your citizenship will govern your capacity to marry. But you may have difficulty obtaining a marriage license in the Philippines if required to present a CENOMAR by the local civil registrar.
Hi My boyfriend foreigner(US) divorced to filipina. I requested CENOMAR for my boyfriend and the result is he is married. How can we get married here in the Philippines? Isn’t Divorce Decree and Certificate of Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage not enough for us to get married here?
This is best addressed to the local civil registrar from which you intend to apply for a marriage license.
We got married in the Philippines. When my divorce was granted, my ex husband is British citizen and I am dual citizen. Can I apply for dissolution of my marriage in the Philippines? How much is the cost?
This requires more detailed information than we have. Will send you some questions so we can address your specific case.
Hi I’m bothered lately with the status of my marriage with my foreign husband.He was married before to a Filipina( here in Phil’s),he filed devorce abroad and got married to me.we submitted all necessary documents to the consulate now embassy here in Philippines they issued legal capacity to marriage as required to get a marriage license.divorce was judicially recognized years after our marriage because the wife filed a recognition for divorce in PhilppinesWhat is then the status of our marriage since marriage took place before the recognition of foreign devorce.
Hoping for a reply.
His marital status is governed by his own national law so that your marriage should be considered valid since he was already divorced under his law at the time of your marriage.
My partner is married in philippines and got separated in Germany. He is now German resident in Germany and want to petition me and his child with me. It is possible for us his child to be with him in Germany?
This question is better addressed to a German immigration lawyer. We cannot speak for the requirements of German law.
How much is the cost of filling divorce recognition in Philippines? And how long it takes?thank you very much ,
Will send you an email.
Hello , Can you pls send me also info how much and what should I do to file recognition of divorce.
I was married in Philippines to a foreigner but got divorced abroad. Now, I wanna remarry again here abroad and planning to change my last name to my new husband. Please help
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It is possible to remarry in the Philippines, but you will need to undergo the court case for Recognition of foreign divorce.
I was naturalised as a foreigner (but born Filipino) with my previous foreign husband. My previous divorce wasn’t adjudicated in RTC Philippines in before I got married second time to a Filipino in PIhilippines. I was born Filipino but naturalised foreign through my previous Husband until now, the foreign law says so due to the length of our marriage. The lack of official requisites of documentation not formally filed in the RTC does the Philippines law automatically recognise my second marriage as Null and Void? Or I have to get an Annulment abroad then file the document in RTC Philippines?
This is a novel question which is not specifically provided for in law or jurisprudence. Also, the timeline you describe is not clear for which reason we are unable to definitively answer you.
You should note, however, that if you were a non-Filipino at the time of your divorce and remarriage, then your civil status was governed by your new national law rather than Philippine law. If such a second marriage was valid in the eyes of your national law, then the marriage would be considered under Philippine law.
In any event, a party to a marriage cannot decide for herself that her marriage is null and void. Such a determination requires a court decision to rule it so.
My fiancé was married here in the Philippines and got divorced in the US. He petitioned his ex wife. They’re both filipino citizen when they got divorced. He is now a US citizen. We are planning to file a fiancee visa for me. Would this constitute a problem in our application? Thank you so much for answering my question. Please
The divorce can only be recognized under Philippine law if at least one of the spouses was a non-Filipino at the time of the divorce.
We cannot speak for US immigration policies.
JoHow much is the cost of filling divorce recognition in Philippines? And how long it takes?thank you very much ,
We will need more information to speak to a specific case.
Please fill out our form on https://lawyerphilippines.org so that we can comment on a specific situation.
How much is the cost of filling divorce recognition in Philippines? And how long it takes?thank you very much
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How much is the cost of filling divorce recognition in Philippines? And how long it takes?thank you very much ,
We need some of the facts of your case to say. Will send you an email.
I’m a Filipino, holding US permanent resident status, married to a Filipino. I filed a divorce. My lawyer here in the US said that the US government will definitely recognize the divorce. Question: will the Philippine government recognize the divorce?
No, the Philippine government will not. At least one of the spouses must be a non-Filipino at the time of the foreign divorce for it to be recognizable under Philippine law.
My boyfriend & his wife are dual citizen & got married here in the Philippines. My bf wants to divorce his wife to marry me, can we get married in the US?
Such a divorce may be valid in the US, but not in the Philippines. Philippine law will recognize only those divorces where at least one of the spouses is a non-Filipino.
I also would like to know cost of filing recognition of divorce.And does it involve hiring a lawyer?
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Both filipino citizen got married and divorced overseas.At the time of marriage they are still filipino citizen.Now the husband married a filipina in the philippines.And he filed a petition for spouse visa.It would be a problem on immigration process?And what is the process for removal of entry to the psa.?
We cannot speak for foreign immigration requirements.
Recognition of the foreign divorce is possible if one of them was a non-Filipino at the time of the divorce. This court case is required to amend or annotate the PSA entry.
Hi, I am a Filipino, and my ex wife is now in Saipan. She filed for divorce there and plan to re-marry with her half-Filipino, half-Foreign partner. Since she already filed divorce there and told me to wait for the divorce papers for me to sign here in the Philippines, is that enough to void our marriage? Do I need to file a separate annulment here in the Philippines or is filing a recognition of foreign divorce applicable to me? Thanks.
If your ex-wife is a foreign citizen, then you can recognize a valid foreign divorce through a court case.
However, you must go through annulment to end the marriage in the Philippines if she is a Filipino or a dual citizen.
Hi , I am Filipino Citizen permanentIy living in Spain.I was married and divorced in UK, and now I want to marry again..This time is to marry in Denmark..Do I need still need to file RECOGNIZING OF DIVORCE in Philippines?..Thank you.
We cannot speak for the requirements of foreign law, but for Philippine law the Supreme Court has ruled that a Filipino who obtained a divorce should have that divorce judicially recognized in the Philippines in order to validly remarry.
Hi i my ex wife is working in taiwan and plan to file a divorce there is that enough to void our marriage here in philippines?
Such a divorce can only be recognized in the Philippines if at least one of you is a non-Filipino at the time of the divorce.
If your divorce and filed a recognition divorce in philippones , do you still need to file annulment or just divorce recognition. Can you remarry before filing recognition of divorce??
Thank you,
If the divorce is recognized by a Philippine court and the court judgment is registered with the civil registrar, then you can already remarry after.
My boyfriend are married here in the philippines but divorce in his filipina ex wife in his country. And we planning to marry here does he need to file a foreign divorce first for us to get married . And how long it take to get married after filing and approving the recognition of foreign divorce to get married
Best to check with the office of the local civil registrar whether they will issue him a marriage license under the circumstances. Also check with his home country’s immigration service whether they require you to go through the recognition here first for purposes of immigration to his country.
I am a filipino and i am resident living here in japan with Japanese spouse.. is it possible to get divorce here and remarry a filipino with US citizenship? Is it possible without going back to Philippines?
Yes, this can be done. The court case for recognition of foreign divorce can be filed without your being in the Philippines provided the court allows remote video conference testimony.
I was married in Philippines and was divorced in the UK,now I’m planning to marry again here in the Uk ,any lawyer can advice me what to do please.
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My Philippine girlfriend, living in Manila, is married to a US Navy personel that disappeared in america and has failed to petition her.
What are her hopes of remarriage so that her and I can be together?
We would need to know more about the facts of the case. We will be happy to respond to specifics through the form on https://lawyerphilippines.org/
Hi , I am Filipino Citizen permanentIy living in Spain.I was married and divorced in UK, and now I want to marry again..This time is to marry in Denmark..Do I need still need to file RECOGNIZING OF DIVORCE in Philippines?..Thank you.
We cannot speak for Danish law, but the Philippines requires divorced Filipinos to file for recognition of divorce before they can validly remarry.
I am am a filipino got married and divorced here inthe US but reported my marriage in Philipine Embassy here in the US..do i need to apply for recognition of divorce in the Philipines in order to remarry in the Philippines?
Yes, if the divorce is recognizable. The Supreme Court has ruled that a Filipino divorced abroad must have that divorce judicially recognized before he or she can validly remarry.
I am a married filipino citizen. I filed a divorce in Hongkong. In 2010 i got my divorce decree and i would like to ask if i can use this as a proof that i am single in applying for visa application F1 family preference. Do i need to file for recognition of foreign divorce in court? And what will be my civil status in my passport?
Recognition of the foreign divorce is only possible if at least one of the spouses was a non-Filipino at the time of the divorce. A court case can be filed if this applies to your situation.
We cannot speak for the immigration requirements of other countries.
My fiance is married here in the Philippines to a Filipina and now on the process of divorce. If he won’t have the divorce recognized here in the Philippines and we get married someday, does it mean I can’t update my civil status to married and will be forever single here in the country? Thank you.
If you manage to get married in the Philippines then you will certainly have a marriage record here showing that you have been married.
Whether you can get married depends on whether or not the local civil registrar with which you will apply for a marriage license grants you one considering your fiance’s marriage record. Different LCRs might vary in their practice on this matter when one of the applicants is a non-Filipino.
Hi I am a Filipino citizen and my boyfriend is a US citizen. My fiancé was married here in the Philippines and got divorced in the US. He was petitioned by his ex wife. We are planning to get married soon. Is he allowed to remarry here in the Philippines for the second time? Thank you so much for answering my question.
He will probably have difficulty getting married in the Philippines because he would probably be required to submit a Certificate of No Marriage (CENOMAR) in order to be issued a marriage license.
My boyfriend married in Philippines but divorce in US, and he want to marry again in Philippines.. so what are the better ways to do?
See the article for whether his divorce can be recognized in the Philippines.
I’ve been separated with my ex wifefor 5 years now shes filipino but holding a canadian passport and citizen of canada, she filed a divorced last 2015 i got the divorced recently because i want to file for recognizing a divorce here in the Philippines, Im looking for a good lawyer to help me out on this matter. Thanks
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My fiancé was married here in the Philippines and got divorced in the US. He was petitioned by his ex wife. He is now a US citizen. We are planning to file a fiancé visa for me. Would this constitute a problem in our application? Thank you so much for answering my question.
I will send an email.
Is lawyer required to apply for recognition of foreign divorce? Thank you
Yes, you must have a lawyer for recognition of foreign divorce.
I got married in the Philippines where I presented my foreign divorce with a foreigner and also got a CENOMAR letter from the foreign civil registry office stating my date of divorce decree absolute also stating that I was free to get married for the second time but this second marriage with a Fraud Fake Previously convicted criminal Filipino iin the Philippines. We have been in War since the beginning of marriage because All he does was to corrupt me and lived free. Our constant war ended in him strangling me so I called the police. We have been separated for 12 years and all I have worked for he had taken declaring its conjugal but he has never contributed. I live abroad and he lives in the Philippines. He also named his nephew after me allegedly giving birth to the boy. But he can never be a father; he is psychologically incapacitated. The Philippines embassy declared our marriage Null and Void, do I still sell the heaven and earth to pay solicitors and court to annul our Void marriage? Why dont Philippines law give consideration to the victimised party who ended abroad poor because she had been robbed by a graduate in criminology mastermind in crime. I am now unemployed and own nothing where do I get money to pay litigation bills?
Hi attorney, I’m married in Philippines with a Filipino husband and separated for 15 years without knowing him where is he. Can I file a divorce in Malaysia since I’m staying in Malaysia.
Such a divorce could only be recognized in the Philippines if at least one of you is a non-Filipino at the time of the divorce.
Hello, I am a filipino citizen who lives abroad permanently i am married in ph but got divorce in my current country of residence I also remarried after the divorce. My question is can my ex sue me in the ph for bigamy? And how likely it is that he can ask me to be deported because of this matter? Thank you.
Philippine criminal law on bigamy does not have extraterritorial application. A second marriage abroad does not hold one criminally liable for bigamy in the Philippines. The spouse could theoretically file for the declaration of nullity of the second marriage in the Philippines, but that would be solely with respect to Philippine rather than foreign law.
I’m a dual US/Philippine citizen and my wife is a Philippines citizen. I was already a dual citizen when we got married in the US. If either one of us file or file a joint divorce petition in the US, can our divorce in the US be recognized by Philippine law?
No, it cannot be recognized in the Philippines since both of you have Filipino citizenship.
Hi lawyers of the Philippines, can I travel to other country to file my divorce?Since annulment here in the Philippines is really a big process and my ex abandoned us for 8 yrs,never visit my kid,never have any support,when my kid raped he never support atlist comfort,,he had a gf before texting me when I was abroad that makes me very stressed working,after 8 yrs I have a bf and he said he will file an adultery against me that this is very hard to me because I’m a victim but the law here is the Philippines is not fair about this situation.Can anyone help me because I’m planning to file my divorce outside the country.
The divorce abroad can only be recognized in the Philippines if at least one of the spouses is a non-Filipino at the time of the divorce.
I am separated from my ex husband for 6 years now, and now have a Australian fiance. Can i file a divorce in other countries or in Australia for us (me and my fiance) can marry on any country rhat will acknowledge us and so he can apply me for partner or spouse visa to his country.? Hoping for your answer. Thank you in advance.
Such a divorce could only be recognized in the Philippines if either you or your husband was not a Filipino at the time of the divorce. Otherwise, seeking nullity of marriage in the Philippines may be the possible option.
I want to marry my filipino fiancé. She has lived in Taiwan for over 10 yrs. Would it be easier and cheaper for her to file for a divorce or annulment from her filipino husband who she had not been with for 16 yrs ? I am from the U.S and would like to marry her and bring her to the states as soon as possible.
You would be well served to consult a US immigration lawyer on this question if the primary concern is immigration to the US.
I am a Filipino I am separated for 10 years and not seen my Filipino husband, can I file a recognition of foreign divorce outside in Philippine? Thank you
This is not possible.
Hi! i am a hong kong resident married to a filipina….how can I divorce her and get our divorce recognize in the Philippines?
This can be done provided that one of the spouses is a non-Filipino at the time of the divorce. The process is as described in this article.